Ask Axel Steiner

Terri and Axel

My husband Axel has made a generous offer: When he isn’t traveling, he’ll try to answer your questions about judging, training and dressage in general, here on my blog.

Now, be warned: you may have to be patient, because he travels A LOT! He’s judged in 35 countries. He judged the Sydney Olympics, multiple World Cups, and so many CDIs that we’ve lost count. He’s an “L” program faculty member. He teaches and gives clinics regularly, too, which means that he garners more frequent flier miles in a year than most people accrue in a lifetime.

Whenever Axel does a question and answer period at a clinic, he always finds that there are more questions than there is time to answer them. So write them down, and when he’s not on a plane he’ll answer them here. Use the form below to submit your questions.

Oh, and you can ask him about freestyles, too. Axel’s a darn good dancer, and we belong to a few social ballroom dance groups, which is where this picture was taken. Not quite “Dancing With The Stars” but we sure have fun!

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